Website widgets

FX Blue Labs provides a range of innovative widgets for your website, ranging from simple price quote-boards through to more complex visualizations such as heat maps. All the widgets use your own price data, not a generic feed. They can be completely customised, either on request by FX Blue Labs, or in many cases by your own design team via options in the widget's URL.

Spread Analysis

FX Blue Labs can collect price data over FIX or through a trading platform such as MT4, and then display and analyse spread information. The service can collect multiple feeds, including a combination of FIX/MT4/MT5 etc, and present them in a single consolidated view. It can also calculate the VWAP spread for volumes such as 3M or 10M, as well as top-of-book.

MT4 Order Book

FX Blue Labs can collect your open positions and pending orders from MT4, and display the book as a web widget or an in-platform indicator for MT4. The service can aggregate multiple MT4 servers, showing the combined set of positions/orders as a single consolidated view. The MT4 indicator can be locked so that it can only be used by your real-money account holders, or VIPs.

Depth of Market

Using market-depth data from a broker or their LP (typically via FIX), FX Blue Labs can build the market-depth data into the Trade Terminal and Mini Terminal apps, or into a standalone app, or even publish the real-time depth of market on the broker's website.

Price Widgets

FX Blue Labs can provide informative, attention-grabbing price widgets for use on your own website, ranging from simple quote-boards through to sophisticated views such as heat maps. All the widgets use your own prices, not a generic price feed. The widgets can altered by your own design team without needing to request bespoke work from FX Blue Labs.

Price Action News

Price Action News is an automated, configurable stream of technical market news which can be fed into a broker's Twitter account or provided as an RSS feed etc, in order to give traders a 24x5 news feed and a more active broker website to visit.

Affiliate Widgets

FX Blue Labs can integrate all the website widgets, including the HTML 5 charting, with your affiliate programme. In addition to the usual advertising banners, you can now offer dynamic widgets which your affiliates can add to their web sites, increasing engagement and ultimately driving more funded accounts to your brokerage.